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Offiziell unterstützte Boards

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ARM Boards

Hardware Beschreibung Hersteller Nut/OS Unterstützung
The AT91EB40A Evaluation Board enables real-time code development and evaluation. It supports the AT91R40008. End-of-Life without any replacement was announced in August 2010. Atmel
The AT91SAM7SE-EK evaluation board enables the evaluation of and code development for applications running on an AT91SAM7SE device. The board is equipped with an AT91SAM7SE512. Atmel
Atmels AT91SAM7X-EK Evaluation Kit ermöglicht die Evaluierung und Entwicklung von Anwendungen für die AT91SAM7X Mikrocontroller. Atmel
Atmels AT91SAM9260-EK Evaluation Kit ermöglicht die Evaluierung und Entwicklung von Anwendungen für die AT91SAM9260 CPU. Atmel
The evaluation kit for SAM9M10 and SAM9G45. This kit lets designers quickly evaluate and develop code for applications running on the Atmel SAM9M10 or the Atmel SAM9G45. Only the latter is currently supported by Nut/OS. Atmel
Elektor Internet Radio 1.0
Das Elektor Internet Radio spielt Audiostreams von SHOUTcast Radiostationen. Das Board wurde in der Aprilausgabe 2008 der Zeitschrift ELEKTOR vorgestellt. egnite Elektor egnite
The eNet-sam7X module was designed by thermotemp as easy drop-in ARM7 module and allows you a money and time saving integration of Ethernet and USB interfaces along with a powerfull SAM7 microcontroller into your project. thermotemp thermotemp
Ethernut 3.0
Ethernut 3.0
The first 32 bit version of the Ethernut Open Source Hardware Family is packed with features like 8 MBytes NAND Flash and 256kBytes full speed SRAM, MMC/SD-Card Socket, user programmable logic etc. With the 32-Bit AT91R40008 CPU (ARM7TDMI) running at 73.728MHz, it is mainly targeted at performance intensive processing like real-time coding and decoding applications. A DM9000 controller is used for the 100 MBit Ethernet Interface. Ethernut 3.0 Rev-E
Ethernut 3.1
Ethernut 3.1
The announcement of Xicor/Intersil to stop production of the combined RTC and EEPROM chip used on Ethernut 3.0 required a redesign, which was published in October 2009. egnite egnite
Ethernut 5.0
Ethernut 5.0
This is the first Ethernut Board based on an ARM9 CPU. Beside Nut/OS it is capable of running Linux. egnite egnite
GameBoy Advance SP
Gameboy Port
32-bit handheld video game console with Xport 2.0 devkit. The GameBoy hardware is based on an ARM7 CPU. Additional hardware is required to upload and run a Nut/OS application on the GBA. Charmed Labs
Morphoq 1.1 Rev-A
Morphoq is a modular monitoring and control device for industrial applications. The main CPU is an AT91SAM7XC512. egnite egnite
Olimex vertreibt ein nettes SAM7X Board mit 128x128 TFT, welches Berichten zufolge mit Nut/OS läuft. Allerding bietet der Hersteller offiziell nur Unterstützung für FreeRTOS an. Olimex
Auf dem bewährten ARM7TDMI-Core basierend, wie der SAMDIP-7S, erweitert der SAMDIP-7X das Angebot um eine Ethernet-Schnittstelle und bietet mehr Pins. Die Baugruppe ist ebenfalls in der flexiblen, platzsparenden DIP-Bauweise ausgeführt. Herrsteller ist die taskit GmbH. taskit GmbH

AVR Boards

Hardware Beschreibung Hersteller Nut/OS Unterstützung
Arthernet is an ATmega128 based board with Ethernet, USB and CAN interface and additionally provides a memory card socket. Arthernet
Charon 2
Charon DB
The Charon Development Kit includes a Charon 2 Module and a Motherboard, which provides the required Ethernet transformer and RJ45 connector for the Charon modules. It additionally includes two RS232 ports, LCD interface, 8 bit dip switch input, 8 bit LED output, JTAG and ISP connector. HW group HW group
Ethernut 1.1
Die erste Ethernut-Referenz-Hardware: Ethernut 1.1 with Atmega103. Dieses Board wird nicht mehr produziert. Ethernut 1.3 kann als 1:1 Ersatz verwendet werden. egnite egnite
Ethernut 1.3
The minimalist design of Ethernut 1 had been reduced to four essential components: ATmega128 Flash Microcontroller, 32 kBytes RAM, RTL8019AS 10Mbit Ethernet Controller and Power Supply egnite egnite
Ethernut 2.0
4-layer board with ATmega128 running at 14.7456 MHz, 100 MBit SMSC Ethernet Controller and 512 kByte banked SRAM. Ethernut 2.0
Ethernut 2.1
Ethernut 2.1 is a small (80 x 100 mm) board combining Atmel's ATmega128 RISC micro­controller with SMSC's LAN91C111 Ethernet controller egnite egnite
Propox offers several modules and evaluation boards with Nut/OS support.

Minimodule with ATmega128 microcontroller equipped with Ethernet interface 10Mbit, DataFlash memory. Ideal for the production of devices using the Ethernet/Internet.

Propox Propox
Minimodule with ATmega128 microcontroller equipped with Ethernet interface 10Mbit, DataFlash memory, real time clock with battery back-up. Ideal for the production of devices using the Ethernet/Internet. Propox Propox
Minimodule with ATmega128 microcontroller equipped with Ethernet interface 10Mbit, RS-232 interface, DataFlash memory. Ideal for the production of devices using the Ethernet/Internet. Propox Propox
Minimodule with ATmega128 microcontroller equipped with Ethernet interface 10Mbit, USB interface, DataFlash memory. Ideal for the production of devices using the Ethernet/Internet. Propox Propox
Minimodule with ATmega128 microcontroller equipped with Ethernet interface 100Mbit, DataFlash memory. Ideal for the production of devices using the Ethernet/Internet. Propox Propox
Minimodule with ATmega128 microcontroller equipped with Ethernet interface 100Mbit, DataFlash memory. Ideal for the production of devices using the Ethernet/Internet. Propox Propox
Minimodule with ATmega128 microcontroller equipped with Ethernet interface 100Mbit, RS-232 interface, DataFlash memory. Ideal for the production of devices using the Ethernet/Internet. Propox Propox
Minimodule with ATmega128 microcontroller equipped with Ethernet interface 100Mbit, USB interface, DataFlash memory. Ideal for the production of devices using the Ethernet/Internet. Propox Propox
Poor Man's Ethernut
Poor Man's Ethernut
Some people argue, that buying the parts for an Ethernut Board is many times the price of an ISA network card. Too true. So, how about using any cheap ATmega board and add an ISA connector to it?
Jochen Beck contributed all details to build such a real cheap solution.
The STK501 board is a top module designed to add ATmega103(L) and ATmega128(L) support to the STK500 development board from Atmel Corporation Atmel
XNUT Boards basieren grundsätzlich auf Ethernut 1.3, bieten aber zusätzliche Funktionen wie CAN und RS-485. Sie werden in Hutschienengehäusen geliefert und eignen sich für eine Vielzahl von industriellen Anwendungen. Proconx Proconx
XNUT Boards basieren grundsätzlich auf Ethernut 1.3, bieten aber zusätzliche Funktionen wie CAN und RS-485. Sie werden in Hutschienengehäusen geliefert und eignen sich für eine Vielzahl von industriellen Anwendungen. Proconx Proconx

AVR32 Boards

Hardware Beschreibung Hersteller Nut/OS Unterstützung
The EVK1100 is a evaluation kit and development system for the AVR32 UC3A microcontroller from Atmel Corporation. Atmel
The EVK1101 provides a complete development environment for the AT32UC3B micro- controller series from Atmel. Atmel
The AVR32 EVK1104 is an evaluation kit for the AT32UC3A3256 which combines Atmel’s state of art AVR32 microcontroller with an unrivalled selection of communication interface like USB device including On-The-Go functionality, SDcard, NAND flash with ECC and stereo 16-bit DAC Atmel
The EVK1105 is an evaluation kit for the AT32UC3A0512 which demonstrates Atmels state-of-the-art AVR microcontroller in Hi-Fi audio decoding and streaming applications. Atmel