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Porting Nut/OS for the GameBoy Advance


This article explains the tasks to be done when porting Nut/OS to the GameBoy Advance. It can be used as an example of how to port Nut/OS to new hardware platforms. This project isn't finished.

The GameBoy hardware is based on an ARM7 CPU. Additional hardware is required to upload and run a Nut/OS application on the GBA.

The XG2 Turbo Link with USB programming interface.

The Xport 2.0 with parallel port programming interface.

Step 1: Setting up a Build Environment

The build environment we use for the ARM7 CPU is based on the GNU toolchain and is available on Windows NT/2K/XP and Linux.

When using Windows, then the Cygwin environment should be installed first. It is available at Cygwin is a UNIX emulator for Windows and for which a number of optional packages are available. Make sure to install at least gcc, make, wget sharutils and tcltk. When this installation had been done, you can install the GCC toolchain. Fortunately a pre-build one is available from

Step 2: Adapting the Nut/OS Configurator

The Nut/OS Configurator is controlled by Lua Scripts, which allow to adapt it to different platform requirements. If you can't follow the each detail in this chapter, don't worry. The Configurator is a very new tool and has already seen many changes. It's still inconsistent in many parts and the scripting part is almost undocumented yet. When adding new hardware, the best way is to use copy and paste as well as trial and error. Fortunately the ARM7 CPU is already supported and not many changes are required to add GBA support. A lot more effort would be needed when using a completely different CPU,

The main script file is conf/repository.nut, which mainly contains a few global values and several definitions to include additional script files. The only required change in this file is to add another choice for the GCC linker.

  arm_ld_choice = { "s3c4510b-ram", "eb40a_ram", "gbaxport2" }
Any name will do. We choose gbaxport2 to reflect its usage with the GBA including the XPort 2 hardware.

The Lua array arm_ld_choice is used in the script conf/tools.nut, specifically in the makedefs part of the the component ARM_LDSCRIPT

      macro = "ARM_LDSCRIPT",
      brief = "ARM Linker Script",
      description = "s3c4510b-ram Samsung S3C4510B, code in RAM\n"..
                    "eb40a_ram Atmel AT91R40008, code in RAM at 0x100\n"..
                    "gba_xport2 Gameboy Advance with XPort 2\n",
      requires = { "TOOL_CC_ARM", "TOOL_GCC" },
      flavor = "booldata",
      type = "enumerated",
      choices = arm_ld_choice,
      makedefs = 
This enables the user of the Configurator to select the proper hardware platform. When creating the build tree later, this makedefs part will create two lines in the file
  LDSCRIPT=$(top_srcdir)/arch/arm/ldscripts/$(LDNAME).ld itself will be included by the Makefiles, which are automatically generated by the Configurator during build tree creation. The Makefile in subdirectory arch will make use of the LDNAME entry to create the name of the source containing the runtime initialization.
  OBJ1 = arm/init/crt$(LDNAME).o
Again the creation of this line is not hardcoded, but configured in the Lua script conf/arch.nut.
      name = "nutarch_cstartup_arm",
      brief = "ARM-GCC Startup",
      sources = { "arm/init/crt$(LDNAME).S" },
      targets = { "arm/init/crt$(LDNAME).o" },
      requires = { "TOOL_CC_ARM" },
This component doesn't require any change, because it has been included for other ARM platforms previously. However, another component in conf/arch.nut named nutarch_mcu requires a new entry to reflect the properties of the ARM7 CPU used in the GameBoy Advance.
      macro = "MCU_GBA",
      brief = "Nintendo GBA",
      description = "ARM7TDMI 16/32-bit RISC microcontroller",
      flavor = "boolean",
      file = "include/cfg/arch.h",
      requires = { "TOOL_CC_ARM" },
      provides = {
      makedefs = { "MCU=arm7tdmi" }
The important part is under provides, which tells the configurator: The LCD driver component should be specified in the Lua script file conf/dev/dev.nut.
      name = "nutdev_debug_gba",
      brief = "LCD Debug Output (GBA)",
      requires = { "HW_LCD_GBA" },
      provides = { "DEV_FILE", "DEV_WRITE" },
      sources = { "debug_gba.c" }
This entry provides DEV_FILE and DEV_WRITE for the uppper layers of the Nut/OS I/O System. For now we stick with a simple debug output and thus name the source file debug_gba.c. In the next chapter we will take a close look to this device driver.

Step 3: C Runtime Initialization

Unfortunately something really complicated has to be done first. Doing a C runtime initialization from scratch requires some in depth knowledge of the C compiler and the target hardware. Generally it consists of two files, an assembler routine and a linker script. According to our configuration done in the last step, the assembler routine will go to a file named arch/arm/init/crtgbaxport2.S and the linker script is arch/arm/ldscripts/gbaxport2.ld.

Fortunately there are many more or less complicated sources available for most platforms. Actually nothing special has to be done for Nut/OS except the naming of some items. Thus we can use an exisiting source with a few modifications.

In the first step we may also exclude any interrupt handling from the assembler code as well as stub information from the linker script.

Step 4: Creating an output device

It is a good idea to implement some kind of simple output first, which allows us to do display some debug output while porting other parts. On most hardware platforms with UART hardware this is quite simple. Just make a copy of an exisiting debug driver source code and replace the hardware speicifc parts.

On the GBA this is different. Actually there is something like an UART device inside, but it's not available without additional hardware. The LCD would make a perfect output device, but creating a driver is a bit more complicated. Fortunately there are several resources available in the Web to learn from.

The name of the source file had been specified in the previous chapter as debug_gba.c and should be located in subdirectory dev of the Nut/OS source tree.

The first part of every Nut/OS driver is the NUTDEVICE structure.

  NUTDEVICE devDebug0 = {
      0,                          /*!< Pointer to next device, dev_next. */
      {'c', 'o', 'n', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},      /*!< Unique device name, dev_name. */
      0,                          /*!< Type of device, dev_type. */
      0,                          /*!< Base address, dev_base. */
      0,                          /*!< First interrupt number, dev_irq. */
      0,                          /*!< Interface control block, dev_icb. */
      0,                          /*!< Driver control block, dev_dcb. */
      DebugInit,                  /*!< Driver initialization routine, dev_init. */
      DebugIOCtl,                 /*!< Driver specific control function, dev_ioctl. */
      0,                          /*!< dev_read. */
      DebugWrite,                 /*!< dev_write. */
      DebugOpen,                  /*!< dev_opem. */
      DebugClose,                 /*!< dev_close. */
      0                           /*!< dev_size. */
When keeping the name devDebug0 of the NUTDEVICE structure, an additional header file is not required. Application code can use
  #include <dev/debug.h>
  NutRegisterDevice(&devDebug0, 0, 0);

For our simple debug output device, most entries in the NUTDEVICE structure are unused. The remaining are

If available, testing and debugging of the device driver may be done with a standard runtime initialization and linker script. Nut/OS is not required yet. Just compile a simple source file with a main entry and the routines under test.

Step 5: Building Nut/OS Partly

The device driver created in the previous step will be most helpful with the Nut/OS standard I/O routines. Note, that we didn't touch any of the hardware specific core routines yet, which will finally make the port complete:

None of these are required to make the I/O routines working, such as printf. On the other hand, the I/O routines will be very helpful during debugging those other parts. Thus, we will try to get the standard I/O part working first.

We will use the Configurator to create a build tree and try to compile it. Because of DEV_FILE and DEV_WRITE provided by LCD driver, all required components for debug output will be included in the build process and the resulting libraries should be sufficient for our first Nut/OS application running on the GBA.

We can also use the Configurator to create a sample directory with proper makefiles. Of course we won't be able to compile any of the sample applications with our minimal system. We will create some kind of dummy application in a new subdirectory within the sample tree.

Because we cannot compile nutinit.c without context switching support, we skip this and replace main() by NutInit() in our application code. Because nutinit.c will also initialize the heap and because heap memory is required by the standard I/O library, we will do this in our application code as well. Here it is:



  char lheap[4096];

  FILE *con;

   * GBA console sample.
  int main(void)
      int i;

      NutHeapAdd(lheap, sizeof(lheap));

      NutRegisterDevice(&devDebug0, 0, 0);
      con = fopen("con", "w");
      for (i = 0;; i++) {
          fprintf(con, "Hello world %d!\n", i);
If everything works as expected, it will produce a continues output on the GBA display. Here's the simple Makefile to compile and link the code.
  PROJ = gbatest

  include ../Makedefs

  SRCS =  $(PROJ).c
  OBJS =  $(SRCS:.c=.o)
  LIBS =  -lnutos -lnutdev -lnutos -lnutcrt
  TARG =  $(PROJ).hex

  all: $(OBJS) $(TARG)

  include ../Makerules

  upload: $(PROJ).elf
        arm-elf-objcopy -v -O binary $(PROJ).elf $(PROJ).bin
        xpcomm $(PROJ).bin

        -rm -f $(OBJS)
        -rm -f $(TARG)
        -rm -f $(SRCS:.c=.lst)

The xpcomm utility comes with the XPort2 and used to upload the binary code to the target.

Where to go from here?

The GBA port hasn't been finished yet. Timer interrupt handling will be next. It is very hardware specific. Hopefully context switching doesn't seem to be much work, if any at all. It had been done for the AT91 already, which is an ARM7 as well. When this has been done, the real fun starts. One next device driver will be for the Ericsson chat keyboard, which had been already attached to my GBA.

TImer and Thread Sample

Here's a simple application, which uses two core functions of the kernel, timer and multithreading.

  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sys/version.h>
  #include <sys/heap.h>
  #include <sys/timer.h>
  #include <sys/thread.h>

  #include <dev/debug.h>

  THREAD(Back, arg)
      for(;;) {

  int main(void)
      int i;

      NutRegisterDevice(&devDebug0, 0, 0);
      freopen("con", "w", stdout);
      printf("Nut/OS %s on GBA\n", NutVersionString());

      printf("%lu bytes free\n", NutHeapAvailable());

      NutThreadCreate("back", Back, 0, 4096);

      for (i = 1;; i++) {
          printf("\r%6ld ms", NutGetMillis());

Uploading the binary to the GameBoy.

XG2 Linker start menu.

Select the Nut/OS application.

Sample application running.