Universal synchronous / asynchronous receiver / transmitter registers. More...
Defines | |
#define | ASCII_XON 0x11 |
#define | ASCII_XOFF 0x13 |
#define | XON_PENDING 0x10 |
#define | XOFF_PENDING 0x20 |
#define | XOFF_SENT 0x40 |
#define | XOFF_RCVD 0x80 |
#define | US_OVRE 0x00000020 |
Overrun error. | |
#define | ASCII_XON 0x11 |
#define | ASCII_XOFF 0x13 |
#define | XON_PENDING 0x10 |
#define | XOFF_PENDING 0x20 |
#define | XOFF_SENT 0x40 |
#define | XOFF_RCVD 0x80 |
Functions | |
int | Sc16is752RegWrite (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch, uint8_t reg, uint8_t val) |
int | Sc16is752RegRead (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *val) |
int | selectRegisterSet (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch, uint8_t reg) |
void | Sc16is752UsartProcessChannelInterrupt (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch, uint8_t iir) |
void | Sc16is752UsartInterruptProcessing (void *arg) |
void | Sc16is752UsartEnable (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Carefully enable USART hardware functions. | |
void | Sc16is752UsartDisable (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Carefully disable USART hardware functions. | |
uint32_t | Sc16is752UsartGetSpeed (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Query the USART hardware for the selected speed. | |
int | Sc16is752UsartSetSpeed (uint32_t rate, uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Set the USART hardware bit rate. | |
uint8_t | Sc16is752UsartGetDataBits (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Query the USART hardware for the number of data bits. | |
int | Sc16is752UsartSetDataBits (uint8_t bits, uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Set the USART hardware to the number of data bits. | |
uint8_t | Sc16is752UsartGetParity (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Query the USART hardware for the parity mode. | |
int | Sc16is752UsartSetParity (uint8_t mode, uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Set the USART hardware to the specified parity mode. | |
uint8_t | Sc16is752UsartGetStopBits (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Query the USART hardware for the number of stop bits. | |
int | Sc16is752UsartSetStopBits (uint8_t bits, uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Set the USART hardware to the number of stop bits. | |
uint32_t | Sc16is752UsartGetStatus (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Query the USART hardware status. | |
int | Sc16is752UsartSetStatus (uint32_t flags, uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Set the USART hardware status. | |
uint8_t | Sc16is752UsartGetClockMode (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Query the USART hardware for synchronous mode. | |
int | Sc16is752UsartSetClockMode (uint8_t mode, uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Set asynchronous or synchronous mode. | |
uint32_t | Sc16is752UsartGetFlowControl (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Query flow control mode. | |
int | Sc16is752UsartSetFlowControl (uint32_t flags, uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Set flow control mode. | |
void | Sc16is752UsartTxStart (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Start the USART transmitter hardware. | |
void | Sc16is752UsartRxStart (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch) |
Start the USART receiver hardware. | |
int | Sc16is752UsartInit (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch, NUTDEVICE *nutDev, IRQ_HANDLER *irq) |
Initialize the USART hardware driver. | |
int | Sc16is752UsartDeinit (uint8_t dev, uint8_t ch, IRQ_HANDLER *irq) |
Deinitialize the USART hardware driver. | |
USART Control Register | |
#define | US_CR_OFF 0x00000000 |
USART control register offset. | |
#define | US0_CR (USART0_BASE + US_CR_OFF) |
Channel 0 control register address. | |
#define | US1_CR (USART1_BASE + US_CR_OFF) |
Channel 1 control register address. | |
#define | US_RSTRX 0x00000004 |
Reset receiver. | |
#define | US_RSTTX 0x00000008 |
Reset transmitter. | |
#define | US_RXEN 0x00000010 |
Receiver enable. | |
#define | US_RXDIS 0x00000020 |
Receiver disable. | |
#define | US_TXEN 0x00000040 |
Transmitter enable. | |
#define | US_TXDIS 0x00000080 |
Transmitter disable. | |
#define | US_RSTSTA 0x00000100 |
Reset status bits. | |
#define | US_STTBRK 0x00000200 |
Start break. | |
#define | US_STPBRK 0x00000400 |
Stop break. | |
#define | US_STTTO 0x00000800 |
Start timeout. | |
#define | US_SENDA 0x00001000 |
Send next byte with address bit set. | |
Mode Register | |
#define | US_MR_OFF 0x00000004 |
USART mode register offset. | |
#define | US0_MR (USART0_BASE + US_MR_OFF) |
Channel 0 mode register address. | |
#define | US1_MR (USART1_BASE + US_MR_OFF) |
Channel 1 mode register address. | |
#define | US_CLKS 0x00000030 |
Clock selection mask. | |
#define | US_CLKS_MCK 0x00000000 |
Master clock. | |
#define | US_CLKS_MCK8 0x00000010 |
Master clock divided by 8. | |
#define | US_CLKS_SCK 0x00000020 |
External clock. | |
#define | US_CLKS_SLCK 0x00000030 |
Slow clock. | |
#define | US_CHRL 0x000000C0 |
Masks data length. | |
#define | US_CHRL_5 0x00000000 |
5 data bits. | |
#define | US_CHRL_6 0x00000040 |
6 data bits. | |
#define | US_CHRL_7 0x00000080 |
7 data bits. | |
#define | US_CHRL_8 0x000000C0 |
8 data bits. | |
#define | US_SYNC 0x00000100 |
Synchronous mode enable. | |
#define | US_PAR 0x00000E00 |
Parity mode mask. | |
#define | US_PAR_EVEN 0x00000000 |
Even parity. | |
#define | US_PAR_ODD 0x00000200 |
Odd parity. | |
#define | US_PAR_SPACE 0x00000400 |
Space parity. | |
#define | US_PAR_MARK 0x00000600 |
Marked parity. | |
#define | US_PAR_NO 0x00000800 |
No parity. | |
#define | US_PAR_MULTIDROP 0x00000C00 |
Multi-drop mode. | |
#define | US_NBSTOP 0x00003000 |
Masks stop bit length. | |
#define | US_NBSTOP_1 0x00000000 |
1 stop bit. | |
#define | US_NBSTOP_1_5 0x00001000 |
1.5 stop bits. | |
#define | US_NBSTOP_2 0x00002000 |
2 stop bits. | |
#define | US_CHMODE 0x0000C000 |
Channel mode mask. | |
#define | US_CHMODE_NORMAL 0x00000000 |
Normal mode. | |
#define | US_CHMODE_AUTOMATIC_ECHO 0x00004000 |
Automatic echo. | |
#define | US_CHMODE_LOCAL_LOOPBACK 0x00008000 |
Local loopback. | |
#define | US_CHMODE_REMOTE_LOOPBACK 0x0000C000 |
Remote loopback. | |
#define | US_MODE9 0x00020000 |
9 bit mode. | |
#define | US_CLKO 0x00040000 |
Baud rate output enable. | |
Status and Interrupt Register | |
#define | US_CSR_OFF 0x00000014 |
USART status register offset. | |
#define | US0_CSR (USART0_BASE + US_CSR_OFF) |
Channel 0 status register address. | |
#define | US1_CSR (USART1_BASE + US_CSR_OFF) |
Channel 1 status register address. | |
#define | US_IER_OFF 0x00000008 |
USART interrupt enable register offset. | |
#define | US0_IER (USART0_BASE + US_IER_OFF) |
Channel 0 interrupt enable register address. | |
#define | US1_IER (USART1_BASE + US_IER_OFF) |
Channel 1 interrupt enable register address. | |
#define | US_IDR_OFF 0x0000000C |
USART interrupt disable register offset. | |
#define | US0_IDR (USART0_BASE + US_IDR_OFF) |
Channel 0 interrupt disable register address. | |
#define | US1_IDR (USART1_BASE + US_IDR_OFF) |
Channel 1 interrupt disable register address. | |
#define | US_IMR_OFF 0x00000010 |
USART interrupt mask register offset. | |
#define | US0_IMR (USART0_BASE + US_IMR_OFF) |
Channel 0 interrupt mask register address. | |
#define | US1_IMR (USART1_BASE + US_IMR_OFF) |
Channel 1 interrupt mask register address. | |
#define | US_RXRDY 0x00000001 |
Receiver ready. | |
#define | US_TXRDY 0x00000002 |
Transmitter ready. | |
#define | US_RXBRK 0x00000004 |
Receiver break. | |
#define | US_ENDRX 0x00000008 |
End of receiver PDC transfer. | |
#define | US_ENDTX 0x00000010 |
End of transmitter PDC transfer. | |
#define | US_OVRE 0x00000020 |
Overrun error. | |
#define | US_FRAME 0x00000040 |
Framing error. | |
#define | US_PARE 0x00000080 |
Parity error. | |
#define | US_TIMEOUT 0x00000100 |
Receiver timeout. | |
#define | US_TXEMPTY 0x00000200 |
Transmitter empty. | |
#define | US_RXBUFF 0x00001000 |
Receive buffer full. | |
#define | AT91_US_BAUD(baud) ((NUT_CPU_FREQ / (8 * (baud)) + 1) / 2) |
Baud rate calculation helper macro. | |
Receiver Holding Register | |
#define | US_RHR_OFF 0x00000018 |
USART receiver holding register offset. | |
#define | US0_RHR (USART0_BASE + US_RHR_OFF) |
Channel 0 receiver holding register address. | |
#define | US1_RHR (USART1_BASE + US_RHR_OFF) |
Channel 1 receiver holding register address. | |
Transmitter Holding Register | |
#define | US_THR_OFF 0x0000001C |
USART transmitter holding register offset. | |
#define | US0_THR (USART0_BASE + US_THR_OFF) |
Channel 0 transmitter holding register address. | |
#define | US1_THR (USART1_BASE + US_THR_OFF) |
Channel 1 transmitter holding register address. | |
Baud Rate Generator Register | |
#define | US_BRGR_OFF 0x00000020 |
USART baud rate register offset. | |
#define | US0_BRGR (USART0_BASE + US_BRGR_OFF) |
Channel 0 baud rate register address. | |
#define | US1_BRGR (USART1_BASE + US_BRGR_OFF) |
Channel 1 baud rate register address. | |
Receiver Timeout Register | |
#define | US_RTOR_OFF 0x00000024 |
USART receiver timeout register offset. | |
#define | US0_RTOR (USART0_BASE + US_RTOR_OFF) |
Channel 0 receiver timeout register address. | |
#define | US1_RTOR (USART1_BASE + US_RTOR_OFF) |
Channel 1 receiver timeout register address. | |
Transmitter Time Guard Register | |
#define | US_TTGR_OFF 0x00000028 |
USART transmitter time guard register offset. | |
#define | US0_TTGR (USART0_BASE + US_TTGR_OFF) |
Channel 0 transmitter time guard register address. | |
#define | US1_TTGR (USART1_BASE + US_TTGR_OFF) |
Channel 1 transmitter time guard register address. | |
FI DI Ratio Register | |
#define | US_FIDI_OFF 0x00000040 |
USART FI DI ratio register offset. | |
#define | US0_FIDI (USART0_BASE + US_FIDI_OFF) |
Channel 0 FI DI ratio register address. | |
#define | US1_FIDI (USART1_BASE + US_FIDI_OFF) |
Channel 1 FI DI ratio register address. | |
Error Counter Register | |
#define | US_NER_OFF 0x00000044 |
USART error counter register offset. | |
#define | US0_NER (USART0_BASE + US_NER_OFF) |
Channel 0 error counter register address. | |
#define | US1_NER (USART1_BASE + US_NER_OFF) |
Channel 1 error counter register address. | |
IrDA Filter Register | |
#define | US_IF_OFF 0x0000004C |
USART IrDA filter register offset. | |
#define | US0_IF (USART0_BASE + US_IF_OFF) |
Channel 0 IrDA filter register address. | |
#define | US1_IF (USART1_BASE + US_IF_OFF) |
Channel 1 IrDA filter register address. | |
AT91 USART0 Device | |
NUTDEVICE | devUsartAt910 |
USART0 device information structure. | |
AT91 USART1 Device | |
NUTDEVICE | devUsartAt911 |
USART1 device information structure. | |
AT91 DBGU Device | |
NUTDEVICE | devDbguAt91 |
USART0 device information structure. | |
AT91 DBGU Device | |
NUTDEVICE | devDebug |
USART0 device information structure. | |
SC16IS752 USARTa Device | |
NUTDEVICE | devUsartsc16is752a |
USART0 device information structure. | |
SC16IS752 USARTa Device | |
NUTDEVICE | devUsartsc16is752b |
USART0 device information structure. | |
SC16IS752 USARTc Device | |
NUTDEVICE | devUsartsc16is752c |
USART2 device information structure. | |
SC16IS752 USARTd Device | |
NUTDEVICE | devUsartsc16is752d |
USART3 device information structure. |
Universal synchronous / asynchronous receiver / transmitter registers.
#define US_CR_OFF 0x00000000 |
USART control register offset.
#define US0_CR (USART0_BASE + US_CR_OFF) |
Channel 0 control register address.
#define US1_CR (USART1_BASE + US_CR_OFF) |
Channel 1 control register address.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Init(), and AhdlcAt91Open().
#define US_RSTRX 0x00000004 |
Reset receiver.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Init().
#define US_RSTTX 0x00000008 |
Reset transmitter.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Init().
#define US_RXEN 0x00000010 |
Receiver enable.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Open().
#define US_RXDIS 0x00000020 |
Receiver disable.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Init().
#define US_TXEN 0x00000040 |
Transmitter enable.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Open().
#define US_TXDIS 0x00000080 |
Transmitter disable.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Init().
#define US_RSTSTA 0x00000100 |
Reset status bits.
#define US_STTBRK 0x00000200 |
Start break.
#define US_STPBRK 0x00000400 |
Stop break.
#define US_STTTO 0x00000800 |
Start timeout.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Open().
#define US_SENDA 0x00001000 |
Send next byte with address bit set.
#define US_MR_OFF 0x00000004 |
USART mode register offset.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91IOCtl().
#define US0_MR (USART0_BASE + US_MR_OFF) |
Channel 0 mode register address.
#define US1_MR (USART1_BASE + US_MR_OFF) |
Channel 1 mode register address.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Init().
#define US_CLKS 0x00000030 |
Clock selection mask.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91IOCtl().
#define US_CLKS_MCK 0x00000000 |
Master clock.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91IOCtl().
#define US_CLKS_MCK8 0x00000010 |
Master clock divided by 8.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91IOCtl().
#define US_CLKS_SCK 0x00000020 |
External clock.
#define US_CLKS_SLCK 0x00000030 |
Slow clock.
#define US_CHRL 0x000000C0 |
Masks data length.
#define US_CHRL_5 0x00000000 |
5 data bits.
#define US_CHRL_6 0x00000040 |
6 data bits.
#define US_CHRL_7 0x00000080 |
7 data bits.
#define US_CHRL_8 0x000000C0 |
8 data bits.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Init().
#define US_SYNC 0x00000100 |
Synchronous mode enable.
#define US_PAR 0x00000E00 |
Parity mode mask.
#define US_PAR_EVEN 0x00000000 |
Even parity.
#define US_PAR_ODD 0x00000200 |
Odd parity.
#define US_PAR_SPACE 0x00000400 |
Space parity.
#define US_PAR_MARK 0x00000600 |
Marked parity.
#define US_PAR_NO 0x00000800 |
No parity.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Init().
#define US_PAR_MULTIDROP 0x00000C00 |
Multi-drop mode.
#define US_NBSTOP 0x00003000 |
Masks stop bit length.
#define US_NBSTOP_1 0x00000000 |
1 stop bit.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Init().
#define US_NBSTOP_1_5 0x00001000 |
1.5 stop bits.
#define US_NBSTOP_2 0x00002000 |
2 stop bits.
#define US_CHMODE 0x0000C000 |
Channel mode mask.
#define US_CHMODE_NORMAL 0x00000000 |
Normal mode.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Init().
#define US_CHMODE_AUTOMATIC_ECHO 0x00004000 |
Automatic echo.
#define US_CHMODE_LOCAL_LOOPBACK 0x00008000 |
Local loopback.
#define US_CHMODE_REMOTE_LOOPBACK 0x0000C000 |
Remote loopback.
#define US_MODE9 0x00020000 |
9 bit mode.
#define US_CLKO 0x00040000 |
Baud rate output enable.
#define US_CSR_OFF 0x00000014 |
USART status register offset.
#define US0_CSR (USART0_BASE + US_CSR_OFF) |
Channel 0 status register address.
#define US1_CSR (USART1_BASE + US_CSR_OFF) |
Channel 1 status register address.
#define US_IER_OFF 0x00000008 |
USART interrupt enable register offset.
#define US0_IER (USART0_BASE + US_IER_OFF) |
Channel 0 interrupt enable register address.
#define US1_IER (USART1_BASE + US_IER_OFF) |
Channel 1 interrupt enable register address.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Open(), and AhdlcAt91Put().
#define US_IDR_OFF 0x0000000C |
USART interrupt disable register offset.
#define US0_IDR (USART0_BASE + US_IDR_OFF) |
Channel 0 interrupt disable register address.
#define US1_IDR (USART1_BASE + US_IDR_OFF) |
Channel 1 interrupt disable register address.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Init().
#define US_IMR_OFF 0x00000010 |
USART interrupt mask register offset.
#define US0_IMR (USART0_BASE + US_IMR_OFF) |
Channel 0 interrupt mask register address.
#define US1_IMR (USART1_BASE + US_IMR_OFF) |
Channel 1 interrupt mask register address.
#define US_RXRDY 0x00000001 |
Receiver ready.
#define US_TXRDY 0x00000002 |
Transmitter ready.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Put().
#define US_RXBRK 0x00000004 |
Receiver break.
#define US_ENDRX 0x00000008 |
End of receiver PDC transfer.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Open().
#define US_ENDTX 0x00000010 |
End of transmitter PDC transfer.
#define US_OVRE 0x00000020 |
Overrun error.
#define US_FRAME 0x00000040 |
Framing error.
#define US_PARE 0x00000080 |
Parity error.
#define US_TIMEOUT 0x00000100 |
Receiver timeout.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Open().
#define US_TXEMPTY 0x00000200 |
Transmitter empty.
#define US_RXBUFF 0x00001000 |
Receive buffer full.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Open().
#define AT91_US_BAUD | ( | baud | ) | ((NUT_CPU_FREQ / (8 * (baud)) + 1) / 2) |
Baud rate calculation helper macro.
#define US_RHR_OFF 0x00000018 |
USART receiver holding register offset.
#define US0_RHR (USART0_BASE + US_RHR_OFF) |
Channel 0 receiver holding register address.
#define US1_RHR (USART1_BASE + US_RHR_OFF) |
Channel 1 receiver holding register address.
#define US_THR_OFF 0x0000001C |
USART transmitter holding register offset.
#define US0_THR (USART0_BASE + US_THR_OFF) |
Channel 0 transmitter holding register address.
#define US1_THR (USART1_BASE + US_THR_OFF) |
Channel 1 transmitter holding register address.
#define US_BRGR_OFF 0x00000020 |
USART baud rate register offset.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91IOCtl(), and At91DevDebugIOCtl().
Channel 0 baud rate register address.
Channel 1 baud rate register address.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Init().
#define US_RTOR_OFF 0x00000024 |
USART receiver timeout register offset.
Channel 0 receiver timeout register address.
Channel 1 receiver timeout register address.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91Open().
#define US_TTGR_OFF 0x00000028 |
USART transmitter time guard register offset.
Channel 0 transmitter time guard register address.
Channel 1 transmitter time guard register address.
#define US_FIDI_OFF 0x00000040 |
USART FI DI ratio register offset.
Channel 0 FI DI ratio register address.
Channel 1 FI DI ratio register address.
#define US_NER_OFF 0x00000044 |
USART error counter register offset.
#define US0_NER (USART0_BASE + US_NER_OFF) |
Channel 0 error counter register address.
#define US1_NER (USART1_BASE + US_NER_OFF) |
Channel 1 error counter register address.
#define US_IF_OFF 0x0000004C |
USART IrDA filter register offset.
#define US0_IF (USART0_BASE + US_IF_OFF) |
Channel 0 IrDA filter register address.
#define US1_IF (USART1_BASE + US_IF_OFF) |
Channel 1 IrDA filter register address.
#define ASCII_XON 0x11 |
#define ASCII_XOFF 0x13 |
#define XON_PENDING 0x10 |
#define XOFF_PENDING 0x20 |
#define XOFF_SENT 0x40 |
#define XOFF_RCVD 0x80 |
#define US_OVRE 0x00000020 |
Overrun error.
#define ASCII_XON 0x11 |
#define ASCII_XOFF 0x13 |
#define XON_PENDING 0x10 |
#define XOFF_PENDING 0x20 |
#define XOFF_SENT 0x40 |
#define XOFF_RCVD 0x80 |
Referenced by Sc16is752UsartInit(), and Sc16is752UsartTxStart().
Referenced by Sc16is752UsartInit(), Sc16is752UsartInterruptProcessing(), and Sc16is752UsartTxStart().
References _USARTDCB::dcb_rx_rbf, _USARTDCB::dcb_tx_rbf, and _NUTDEVICE::dev_dcb.
Referenced by Sc16is752UsartInterruptProcessing().
void Sc16is752UsartInterruptProcessing | ( | void * | arg | ) |
UART Interrupt Processing Thread
References IIR, MYPRINT, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE, NutEventWait(), NutThreadSetPriority(), Sc16is752RegRead(), and Sc16is752UsartProcessChannelInterrupt().
Referenced by Sc16is752UsartInit().
Carefully enable USART hardware functions.
Always enabale transmitter and receiver, even on read-only or write-only mode. So we can support software flow control.
References printf.
Referenced by Sc16is752UsartSetSpeed().
Carefully disable USART hardware functions.
References printf.
Referenced by Sc16is752UsartSetSpeed().
Query the USART hardware for the selected speed.
This function is called by ioctl function of the upper level USART driver through the USARTDCB jump table.
References printf.
Set the USART hardware bit rate.
This function is called by ioctl function of the upper level USART driver through the USARTDCB jump table.
rate | Number of bits per second. |
References printf, Sc16is752UsartDisable(), and Sc16is752UsartEnable().
Query the USART hardware for the number of data bits.
This function is called by ioctl function of the upper level USART driver through the USARTDCB jump table.
References printf.
Set the USART hardware to the number of data bits.
This function is called by ioctl function of the upper level USART driver through the USARTDCB jump table.
References printf.
Query the USART hardware for the parity mode.
This routine is called by ioctl function of the upper level USART driver through the USARTDCB jump table.
References printf.
Set the USART hardware to the specified parity mode.
This routine is called by ioctl function of the upper level USART driver through the USARTDCB jump table.
mode | 0 (disabled), 1 (odd) or 2 (even) |
References printf.
Query the USART hardware for the number of stop bits.
This routine is called by ioctl function of the upper level USART driver through the USARTDCB jump table.
References printf.
Set the USART hardware to the number of stop bits.
This routine is called by ioctl function of the upper level USART driver through the USARTDCB jump table.
References printf.
Set the USART hardware status.
flags | Status flags. |
References printf.
Query the USART hardware for synchronous mode.
This function is called by ioctl function of the upper level USART driver through the USARTDCB jump table.
Referenced by Sc16is752UsartSetClockMode().
Set asynchronous or synchronous mode.
This function is called by ioctl function of the upper level USART driver through the USARTDCB jump table.
mode | Must be an or-ed combination of USART_SYNC, USART_MASTER, USART_NCLOCK and USART_HIGHSPEED. |
References printf, and Sc16is752UsartGetClockMode().
Query flow control mode.
This routine is called by ioctl function of the upper level USART driver through the USARTDCB jump table.
References printf, rc, and USART_MF_XONXOFF.
Referenced by Sc16is752UsartSetFlowControl().
Set flow control mode.
This function is called by ioctl function of the upper level USART driver through the USARTDCB jump table.
flags | See UsartIOCtl(). |
References printf, and Sc16is752UsartGetFlowControl().
Start the USART transmitter hardware.
The upper level USART driver will call this function through the USARTDCB jump table each time it added one or more bytes to the transmit buffer.
TODO Check if Tx interrupt is generated immediately or if a first char needs to sent
References IER, printf, Sc16is752RegRead(), and Sc16is752RegWrite().
Start the USART receiver hardware.
The upper level USART driver will call this function through the USARTDCB jump table each time it removed enough bytes from the receive buffer. Enough means, that the number of bytes left in the buffer is below the low watermark.
References printf.
int Sc16is752UsartInit | ( | uint8_t | dev, |
uint8_t | ch, | ||
NUTDEVICE * | nutDev, | ||
IRQ_HANDLER * | irq | ||
) |
Initialize the USART hardware driver.
This function is called during device registration by the upper level USART driver through the USARTDCB jump table.
TODO Check if Rx interrupt is generated immediately or if a first char needs to sent
References DLH, DLL, FCR, IER, INIT_BAUDRATE, LCR, MYPRINT, NUT_IRQMODE_FALLINGEDGE, NutIrqEnable(), NutIrqSetMode(), NutRegisterIrqHandler(), NutThreadCreate(), printf, Sc16is752RegRead(), Sc16is752RegWrite(), and Sc16is752UsartInterruptProcessing().
int Sc16is752UsartDeinit | ( | uint8_t | dev, |
uint8_t | ch, | ||
IRQ_HANDLER * | irq | ||
) |
Deinitialize the USART hardware driver.
This function is called during device deregistration by the upper level USART driver through the USARTDCB jump table.
References NutRegisterIrqHandler(), and printf.
{ 0, {'u', 'a', 'r', 't', '0', 0, 0, 0, 0}, IFTYP_CHAR, 0, 0, 0, &dcb_usart0, UsartInit, UsartIOCtl, UsartRead, UsartWrite, UsartOpen, UsartClose, UsartSize }
USART0 device information structure.
An application must pass a pointer to this structure to NutRegisterDevice() before using the serial communication driver of the AT91's on-chip USART0.
The device is named uart0.
Referenced by AhdlcAt91IOCtl().
{ 0, {'u', 'a', 'r', 't', '1', 0, 0, 0, 0}, IFTYP_CHAR, 1, 0, 0, &dcb_usart1, UsartInit, UsartIOCtl, UsartRead, UsartWrite, UsartOpen, UsartClose, UsartSize }
USART1 device information structure.
An application must pass a pointer to this structure to NutRegisterDevice() before using the serial communication driver of the AT91's on-chip USART1.
The device is named uart1.
{ 0, {'u', 'a', 'r', 't', 'd', 0, 0, 0, 0}, IFTYP_CHAR, DBGU_BASE, 0, 0, &dcb_dbgu, UsartInit, UsartIOCtl, UsartRead, UsartWrite, UsartOpen, UsartClose, UsartSize }
USART0 device information structure.
An application must pass a pointer to this structure to NutRegisterDevice() before using the serial communication driver of the AT91's on-chip USART0.
The device is named uart0.
{ 0, {'d', 'b', 'g', 'u', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, IFTYP_CHAR, AT91C_BASE_DBGU, 0, 0, &dcb_dbgu, UsartInit, UsartIOCtl, UsartRead, UsartWrite, UsartOpen, UsartClose, UsartSize }
USART0 device information structure.
An application must pass a pointer to this structure to NutRegisterDevice() before using the serial communication driver of the AT91's on-chip USART0.
The device is named uart0.
{ 0, {'u', 'a', 'r', 't', '_', 'a', 0, 0, 0}, IFTYP_CHAR, (SCDEV<<8)|CH_, 0, 0, &dcb_usarta, UsartInit, UsartIOCtl, UsartRead, UsartWrite, UsartWrite_P, UsartOpen, UsartClose, UsartSize }
USART0 device information structure.
An application must pass a pointer to this structure to NutRegisterDevice() before using the serial communication driver of the AT91's on-chip USART0.
The device is named uarta.
{ 0, {'u', 'a', 'r', 't', '_', 'b', 0, 0, 0}, IFTYP_CHAR, 0, 0, 0, &dcb_usartb, UsartInit, UsartIOCtl, UsartRead, UsartWrite, UsartWrite_P, UsartOpen, UsartClose, UsartSize }
USART0 device information structure.
An application must pass a pointer to this structure to NutRegisterDevice() before using the serial communication driver of the AT91's on-chip USART0.
The device is named uarta.
{ 0, {'u', 'a', 'r', 't', '_', 'c', 0, 0, 0}, IFTYP_CHAR, (SCDEV<<8)|CH_, 0, 0, &dcb_usartc, UsartInit, UsartIOCtl, UsartRead, UsartWrite, UsartWrite_P, UsartOpen, UsartClose, UsartSize }
USART2 device information structure.
An application must pass a pointer to this structure to NutRegisterDevice() before using the serial communication driver of the AT91's on-chip USART2.
The device is named uartc.
{ 0, {'u', 'a', 'r', 't', '_', 'd', 0, 0, 0}, IFTYP_CHAR, (SCDEV<<8)|CH_, 0, 0, &dcb_usartd, UsartInit, UsartIOCtl, UsartRead, UsartWrite, UsartWrite_P, UsartOpen, UsartClose, UsartSize }
USART3 device information structure.
An application must pass a pointer to this structure to NutRegisterDevice() before using the serial communication driver of the AT91's on-chip USART3.
The device is named uartd.