Network Configuration Using Hard Coded Configuration
Test Environments
Hardware Comments |
Nut/OS 4.6.4 |
Nut/OS 4.7.4 |
Nut/OS 4.8.0 | |
Ethernut 1.3 H | OK Binaries |
OK Binaries |
OK Binaries | |
Ethernut 2.1 B | OK Binaries |
OK Binaries |
OK Binaries | |
Ethernut 3.0 E | OK Binaries |
OK Binaries |
OK Binaries | |
EIR 1.0 C | Configuration Error. |
Configuration Error. |
OK Binaries | |
Compiler: ARM-GCC 4.2.2 ; AVR-GCC 4.3.0 |
The most simple way is to use hard coded configuration values in your application. This will work for any environment, but changing the configuration requires to re-compile the code.
Source Code
<source lang="c">
- include <dev/board.h>
- include <sys/timer.h>
- include <stdint.h>
- include <stdio.h>
- include <io.h>
- include <arpa/inet.h>
/* Hard coded network configuration. */
- define MY_MAC { 0x00, 0x06, 0x98, 0x30, 0x02, 0x76 }
- define MY_IP ""
- define MY_MASK ""
int main(void) {
u_long baud = 115200; uint8_t mac[6] = MY_MAC; uint32_t ip_addr = inet_addr(MY_IP); uint32_t ip_mask = inet_addr(MY_MASK);
/* Assign stdout to the DEBUG device. */ NutRegisterDevice(&DEV_DEBUG, 0, 0); freopen(DEV_DEBUG_NAME, "w", stdout); _ioctl(_fileno(stdout), UART_SETSPEED, &baud); puts("Network Configuration Sample 1");
/* Register Ethernet controller. */ if (NutRegisterDevice(&DEV_ETHER, 0, 0)) { puts("Registering " DEV_ETHER_NAME " failed."); } /* Configure network. */ else if (NutNetIfConfig(DEV_ETHER_NAME, mac, ip_addr, ip_mask)) { puts("Configuring " DEV_ETHER_NAME " failed."); } /* Done. */ else { puts("Now try 'ping " MY_IP "' on your PC."); }
for (;;) { NutSleep(1000); }
return 0;
} </source>
We use pre-processor macros to define the configuration values. They are located on top of the code, directly following the header includes. This makes it easier to find them for later modification.
<source lang="c">
- define MY_MAC { 0x00, 0x06, 0x98, 0x30, 0x02, 0x76 }
- define MY_IP ""
- define MY_MASK ""
Before configuring the network interface, we must first register the device.
<source lang="c"> if (NutRegisterDevice(&DEV_ETHER, 0, 0)) {
puts("Registering " DEV_ETHER_NAME " failed.");
} </source>
Finally the network interface is configured by calling NutNetIfConfig. When this function returns 0, then the interface is up and running.
<source lang="c"> if (NutNetIfConfig(DEV_ETHER_NAME, mac, ip_addr, ip_mask)) {
puts("Configuring " DEV_ETHER_NAME " failed.");
} </source>
We can now use ping from any PC in our network to check the configuration.
See also
- Network Configuration Overview
- Basic TCP Server
- Basic TCP Client
- More Nut/OS Examples
External Links
MAC address A Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to network adapters for identification.
IP address A numerical identification that is assigned to devices participating in a computer network utilizing the Internet Protocol.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol A protocol used by networked devices to obtain the parameters necessary for operation in an Internet Protocol network.Template:Languages