The Coconut board is an advanced communication controller for up to six RS232
ports. It is equipped with three ATmega128 CPUs, which are interconnected
by an I2C bus. All CPUs are independently running NutOS. Allthough the Coconut
board may be useful on its own, it has been mainly designed to plug on top
of an Ethernut board. In this case the two RS232 ports from the Ethernut are
also routed to the Coconut's RS232 port connector, providing a total of eight
serial ports.
A second connector offers freely programmable LED indicator outputs as well
as shift register signals to add a large number of low speed digital I/O ports.
The shift register are only available when Coconut has been connected to an
Ethernut board.
Two additional boards are available to easily build up a complete system.
The Coconect board can be connected to the Coconut RS232 connector and
provides 8 DB-9 connectors. It may be equipped with female (DCE) or male (DTE)
The second board, IONut, will be connected to Coconut's digital I/O port. It
offers 16 opto isolated inputs and 8 relay outputs. All contacts are available
at plugable screw terminals.
RS232 I/O Port
All RS232 signals are available on a 34 pin connector. The Coconect board
can be directly plugged in with a 1:1 flat ribbon cable.
Each port offers RTS/CTS hardware handshaking. If full modem handshaking
is required, then two ports may be combined to a single one, using a different
Coconect board.
Pin | Signal | Description |
1 | TD1 | Ethernut PE1 Serial port 2 data
output |
3 | RD1 | Ethernut PE0 Serial port 2 data
input |
5 | TD0 | Ethernut PD3 Serial port 1 data
output |
7 | RD0 | Ethernut PD2, if JP8 set Serial port
1 data input |
9 | TD3 | Coconut CPU1 PE1 Serial port 4 data
output |
11 | RD3 | Coconut CPU1 PE0 Serial port 4 data
input |
13 | TD2 | Coconut CPU1 PD3 Serial port 3 data
output |
15 | RD2 | Coconut CPU1 PD2 Serial port 3 data
input |
17 | GND | Signal ground |
19 | TD5 | Coconut CPU2 PE1 Serial port 6 data
output |
21 | RD5 | Coconut CPU2 PE0 Serial port 6 data
input |
23 | TD4 | Coconut CPU2 PD3 Serial port 5 data
output |
25 | RD4 | Coconut CPU2 PD2 Serial port 5 data
input |
27 | TD7 | Coconut CPU3 PE1 Serial port 8 data
output |
29 | RD7 | Coconut CPU3 PE0 Serial port 8 data
input |
31 | TD6 | Coconut CPU3 PD3 Serial port 7 data
output |
33 | RD6 | Coconut CPU3 PD2 Serial port 7 data
input |
Pin | Signal | Description |
2 | CTS1 | Ethernut PD4 Serial port 2
handshake output |
4 | RTS1 | Ethernut PE7 Serial port 2
handshake input |
6 | CTS0 | Ethernut PE1 Serial port 1
handshake output |
8 | RTS0 | Ethernut PE3 Serial port 1
handshake input |
10 | CTS3 | Coconut CPU1 PD4 Serial port 4
handshake output |
12 | RTS3 | Coconut CPU1 PE7 Serial port 4
handshake input |
14 | CTS2 | Coconut CPU1 PE2 Serial port 3
handshake output |
16 | RTS2 | Coconut CPU1 PE3/PE6 Serial port 3
handshake input |
18 | GND | Signal ground |
20 | CTS5 | Coconut CPU2 PD4 Serial port 6
handshake output |
22 | RTS5 | Coconut CPU2 PE7 Serial port 6
handshake input |
24 | CTS4 | Coconut CPU2 PE2 Serial port 5
handshake output |
26 | RTS4 | Coconut CPU2 PE3/PE6 Serial port 5
handshake input |
28 | CTS7 | Coconut CPU3 PD4 Serial port 8
handshake output |
30 | RTS7 | Coconut CPU3 PE7 Serial port 8
handshake input |
32 | CTS6 | Coconut CPU3 PE2 Serial port 7
handshake output |
34 | RTS6 | Coconut CPU3 PE3/PE6 Serial port 7
handshake input |
Digital I/O Port
A 26 pin connector contains all digital signals for 10 LED outputs and
5 shift register signals.
2 LED outputs are controlled by each Coconut CPU, typically used to indicate
serial I/O activity. The remaining 4 LED outputs can be used by an Ethernut
if one is attached. Two of them may be used as serial I/O indicators and the
other two can show Ethernet link and activity. However, all LEDs are under full
software control and may serve other purposes.
The number of digital inputs and outputs, that
can be attached to the shift register I/O is theoretically unlimited,
But the scan and update time increases with its number. Please note, that
the shift register I/O is only available when the Coconut is attached to
an Ethernut board.
Pin | Signal | Description |
1 | DC | Unregulated supply |
3 | DC | Unregulated supply |
5 | ICOM8 | Coconut CPU3 PB6 Serial port 8 LED |
7 | ICOM6 | Coconut CPU2 PB6 Serial port 6 LED |
9 | ICOM4 | Coconut CPU1 PB6 Serial port 4 LED |
11 | ICOM2 | Ethernut PB6 Serial port 2 LED |
13 | GND | Signal ground |
15 | GND | Signal ground |
17 | GND | Signal ground |
19 | GND | Signal ground |
21 | GND | Signal ground |
23 | GND | Signal ground |
25 | GND | Signal ground |
Pin | Signal | Description |
2 | DC | Unregulated supply |
4 | DC | Unregulated supply |
6 | ICOM7 | Coconut CPU3 PB4 Serial port 7 LED |
8 | ICOM5 | Coconut CPU2 PB4 Serial port 5 LED |
10 | ICOM3 | Coconut CPU1 PB4 Serial port 3
12 | ICOM1 | Ethernut PB4 Serial port 1 LED |
14 | IACT | Ethernut PE6 Activity LED |
16 | ILINK | Ethernut PE4 Link LED |
18 | LDOUT | Ethernut PB5 Digital output latch |
20 | LDIN | Ethernut PB7 Digital input latch |
22 | SERCLK | Ethernut PD7 Digital data clock |
24 | SEROUT | Ethernut PD6 Digital data output |
26 | SERIN | Ethernut PD5 Digital data input |
Ethernut Expansion Port
As mentioned before, the main purpose of the Coconut board is to serve as an
Ethernut Add-On.
The following table shows, which Ethernut expansion signals are used by the
Coconut board. Pins not shown are not connected.
Pin | Signal | Coconut Usage |
3 | VCC5 | +5V, if JP6 closed |
5 | GND | Signal ground |
7 | GND | Signal ground |
9 | RESET | Not connected |
39 | PE0 | Serial port 2 data input |
41 | PE2 | Serial port 1 handshake output |
43 | PE4 | Link LED |
45 | PE6 | Activity LED |
47 | PB0 | Reset CPU1 |
49 | PB2 | Reset CPU3 |
51 | PB4 | Serial port 1 LED |
53 | PB6 | Serial port 2 LED |
55 | PD0 | TWI bus clock |
57 | PD2 | Serial port 1 data input, if JP8
closed |
59 | PD4 | Serial port 2 handshake output |
61 | PD6 | Digital data output |
Pin | Signal | Coconut Usage |
4 | VCC5 | +5V, if JP6 closed |
6 | GND | Signal ground |
8 | GND | Signal ground |
10 | DC | Unregulated supply, if JP7 closed |
40 | PE1 | Serial port 2 data output |
42 | PE3 | Serial port 1 handshake input |
44 | PE5 | Not connected |
46 | PE7 | Serial port 2 handshake input |
48 | PB1 | Reset CPU2 |
50 | PB3 | Not connected |
52 | PB5 | Digital output latch |
54 | PB7 | Digital input latch |
56 | PD1 | TWI bus data |
58 | PD3 | Serial port 1 data output |
60 | PD5 | Digital data input |
62 | PD7 | Digital data clock |
Power Supply Options
An external power supply can be connected to either the Ethernut board,
the Coconut board or both.
JP6 | JP7 | IC12 | Supply Input |
Open | Open | Mounted | Both required, Ethernut and
Coconut |
Close | Open | Not mounted | Ethernut only |
Open | Close | Mounted | Ethernut or Coconut |
Close | Close | Not mounted | Ethernut or Coconut |
Page 1: Ethernut Interface
Page 2: Coconut CPU 1
Page 3: Coconut CPU 2
Page 4: Coconut CPU 3
Page 5: Digital Interface And Power Supply