Nut/OS  4.10.3
API Reference
Deprecated List
Global AT91_US_BAUD (baud)
Use NutGetCpuClock() and calculate the divider value locally.
Global NutDelay (uint8_t ms)
New applications should use NutMicroDelay().
Global NutDhcpIsConfigured (void)
Applications should use NutDhcpStatus().
Global NutDnsConfig (CONST uint8_t *hostname, CONST uint8_t *domain, uint32_t dnsip)
New applications should use NutDnsConfig2().
Global NutHttpSendHeaderBot (FILE *stream, char *mime_type, long bytes)
Use NutHttpSendHeaderBottom().
Global X12Init (void) NUT_DEPRECATED
New applications must use NutRegisterRtc().
Global X12Init (void) NUT_DEPRECATED
New applications must use NutRegisterRtc().
Global X12RtcClearStatus (uint32_t sflgs) NUT_DEPRECATED
New applications must use NutRtcClearStatus().
Global X12RtcClearStatus (uint32_t sflgs) NUT_DEPRECATED
New applications must use NutRtcClearStatus().
Global X12RtcGetAlarm (int idx, struct _tm *tm, int *aflgs) NUT_DEPRECATED
New applications must use NutRtcGetAlarm().
Global X12RtcGetAlarm (int idx, struct _tm *tm, int *aflgs) NUT_DEPRECATED
New applications must use NutRtcGetAlarm().
Global X12RtcGetClock (struct _tm *tm) NUT_DEPRECATED
New applications must use NutRtcGetTime().
Global X12RtcGetClock (struct _tm *tm) NUT_DEPRECATED
New applications must use NutRtcGetTime().
Global X12RtcGetStatus (uint32_t *sflgs) NUT_DEPRECATED
New applications must use NutRtcGetStatus().
Global X12RtcGetStatus (uint32_t *sflgs) NUT_DEPRECATED
New applications must use NutRtcGetStatus().
Global X12RtcSetAlarm (int idx, CONST struct _tm *tm, int aflgs) NUT_DEPRECATED
New applications must use NutRtcSetAlarm().
Global X12RtcSetAlarm (int idx, CONST struct _tm *tm, int aflgs) NUT_DEPRECATED
New applications must use NutRtcSetAlarm().
Global X12RtcSetClock (CONST struct _tm *tm) NUT_DEPRECATED
New applications must use NutRtcSetTime().
Global X12RtcSetClock (CONST struct _tm *tm) NUT_DEPRECATED
New applications must use NutRtcSetTime().