A/D Converter. More...
Defines | |
#define | AT91_ADC_INITIAL_PRESCALE 55 |
#define | AT91_ADC_BUF_SIZE 16 |
#define | _adc_buf_head AT91_ADC_BUF_SIZE |
#define | _adc_buf_tail AT91_ADC_BUF_SIZE+1 |
Functions | |
int | ADCBufRead (uint16_t channel, uint16_t *read) |
Reads data from the adc buffer. | |
void | ADCSetMode (TADCMode mode) |
Sets the data aquisition mode for the adc. | |
void | ADCEnableChannel (TADCChannel channel) |
Enable a channel used to sample when conversion started. | |
void | ADCDisableChannel (TADCChannel channel) |
Disable a channel. | |
void | ADCSetPrescale (uint32_t prescale) |
Set the prescaler for the adc. | |
void | ADCStartConversion (void) |
Start conversion. | |
void | ADCInit (void) |
Initialize the adc to the configured default values and enable interrupt. | |
Variables | |
uint16_t ** | ADC_Buffer = NULL |
ADC Control Register | |
#define | ADC_CR_OFF 0x00000000 |
Control register offset. | |
#define | ADC_CR (ADC_BASE + ADC_CR_OFF) |
Control register address. | |
#define | ADC_SWRST 0x00000001 |
Software reset. | |
#define | ADC_START 0x00000002 |
Start a conversion. | |
ADC Mode Register | |
#define | ADC_MR_OFF 0x00000004 |
Mode register offset. | |
#define | ADC_MR (ADC_BASE + ADC_MR_OFF) |
Mode register address. | |
#define | ADC_TRGEN 0x00000001 |
Hardware trigger enable. | |
#define | ADC_TRGSEL 0x0000000E |
Trigger select mask. | |
#define | ADC_TRGSEL_TIOA0 0x00000000 |
Trigger select timer counter 0 output. | |
#define | ADC_TRGSEL_TIOA1 0x00000002 |
Trigger select timer counter 1 output. | |
#define | ADC_TRGSEL_TIOA2 0x00000004 |
Trigger select timer counter 2 output. | |
#define | ADC_TRGSEL_EXT 0x0000000C |
Single trigger. | |
#define | ADC_LOWRES 0x00000010 |
10bit / 8bit selection | |
#define | ADC_SLEEP 0x00000020 |
Enter sleep mode. | |
#define | ADC_PRESCAL 0x00003F00 |
Prescaler mask. | |
#define | ADC_PRESCAL_LSB 8 |
Prescaler LSB. | |
#define | ADC_STARTUP 0x001F0000 |
Startup time mask. | |
#define | ADC_STARTUP_LSB 16 |
Startup time LSB. | |
#define | ADC_SHTIM 0x0F000000 |
Sample hold time mask. | |
#define | ADC_SHTIM_LSB 24 |
Sample hold time LSB. | |
ADC Channel Enable Register | |
#define | ADC_CHER_OFF 0x00000010 |
Channel enable register offset. | |
Channel enable register address. | |
#define | ADC_CH(x) ((unsigned long)BV(x)) |
macro to access channel by numer | |
#define | ADC_CH0 0x00000001 |
ADC Channel 0. | |
#define | ADC_CH1 0x00000002 |
ADC Channel 1. | |
#define | ADC_CH2 0x00000004 |
ADC Channel 2. | |
#define | ADC_CH3 0x00000008 |
ADC Channel 3. | |
#define | ADC_CH4 0x00000010 |
ADC Channel 4. | |
#define | ADC_CH5 0x00000020 |
ADC Channel 5. | |
#define | ADC_CH6 0x00000040 |
ADC Channel 6. | |
#define | ADC_CH7 0x00000080 |
ADC Channel 7. | |
ADC Channel Disable Register | |
#define | ADC_CHDR_OFF 0x00000014 |
Channel disable register offset. | |
Channel disable register address. | |
ADC Channel Status Register | |
#define | ADC_CHSR_OFF 0x00000018 |
Channel status register offset. | |
Channel status register address. | |
ADC Status Register | |
#define | ADC_SR_OFF 0x0000001C |
ADC status register offset. | |
#define | ADC_SR (ADC_BASE + ADC_SR_OFF) |
ADC status register address. | |
#define | ADC_EOC(x) ((unsigned long)BV(x)) |
Macro to access EOC flag by channel number. | |
#define | ADC_EOC0 0x00000001 |
End of conversion channel 0. | |
#define | ADC_EOC1 0x00000002 |
End of conversion channel 1. | |
#define | ADC_EOC2 0x00000004 |
End of conversion channel 2. | |
#define | ADC_EOC3 0x00000008 |
End of conversion channel 3. | |
#define | ADC_EOC4 0x00000010 |
End of conversion channel 4. | |
#define | ADC_EOC5 0x00000020 |
End of conversion channel 5. | |
#define | ADC_EOC6 0x00000040 |
End of conversion channel 6. | |
#define | ADC_EOC7 0x00000080 |
End of conversion channel 7. | |
#define | ADC_OVRE(x) ((unsigned long)BV(x+8)) |
Macto to acces overrun error flag by channel number. | |
#define | ADC_OVRE0 0x00000100 |
Overrun error flag channel 0. | |
#define | ADC_OVRE1 0x00000200 |
Overrun error flag channel 1. | |
#define | ADC_OVRE2 0x00000400 |
Overrun error flag channel 2. | |
#define | ADC_OVRE3 0x00000800 |
Overrun error flag channel 3. | |
#define | ADC_OVRE4 0x00001000 |
Overrun error flag channel 4. | |
#define | ADC_OVRE5 0x00002000 |
Overrun error flag channel 5. | |
#define | ADC_OVRE6 0x00004000 |
Overrun error flag channel 6. | |
#define | ADC_OVRE7 0x00008000 |
Overrun error flag channel 7. | |
#define | ADC_DRDY 0x00010000 |
Data ready flag. | |
#define | ADC_GOVRE 0x00020000 |
General data overrun error flag. | |
#define | ADC_ENDRX 0x00040000 |
End of rx buffer flag. | |
#define | ADC_RXBUF 0x00080000 |
Rx buffer full flag. | |
ADC Last Converted Data Register | |
#define | ADC_LCDR_OFF 0x00000020 |
Last converted data register offset. | |
Last converted data register. | |
#define | ADC_LCDR_MASK 0x000003FF |
Last converted data mask (10bit) | |
ADC Interrupt Enable Register | |
#define | ADC_IER_OFF 0x00000024 |
Interrupt enable register offset. | |
#define | ADC_IER (ADC_BASE + ADC_IER_OFF) |
Last converted data register. | |
ADC Interrupt Disable Register | |
#define | ADC_IDR_OFF 0x00000028 |
Interrupt disable register offset. | |
#define | ADC_IDR (ADC_BASE + ADC_IDR_OFF) |
Interrupt disable register. | |
ADC Interrupt Mask Register | |
#define | ADC_IMR_OFF 0x0000002C |
Interrupt mask register offset. | |
#define | ADC_IMR (ADC_BASE + ADC_IMR_OFF) |
Interrupt mask register. | |
ADC Channel Data Register | |
#define | ADC_CDR_OFF 0x00000030 |
Channel data register offset. | |
#define | ADC_CDR(x) (ADC_BASE + ADC_CDR_OFF + ((x) << 2)) |
Channel data register. | |
#define | ADC_CDR_MASK 0x000003FF |
Channel data mask (10bit) |
A/D Converter.
#define ADC_CR_OFF 0x00000000 |
Control register offset.
#define ADC_CR (ADC_BASE + ADC_CR_OFF) |
Control register address.
Referenced by ADCInit(), and ADCStartConversion().
#define ADC_SWRST 0x00000001 |
Software reset.
Referenced by ADCInit().
#define ADC_START 0x00000002 |
Start a conversion.
Referenced by ADCStartConversion().
#define ADC_MR_OFF 0x00000004 |
Mode register offset.
#define ADC_MR (ADC_BASE + ADC_MR_OFF) |
Mode register address.
Referenced by ADCSetMode(), and ADCSetPrescale().
#define ADC_TRGEN 0x00000001 |
Hardware trigger enable.
Referenced by ADCSetMode().
#define ADC_TRGSEL 0x0000000E |
Trigger select mask.
Referenced by ADCSetMode().
#define ADC_TRGSEL_TIOA0 0x00000000 |
Trigger select timer counter 0 output.
Referenced by ADCSetMode().
#define ADC_TRGSEL_TIOA1 0x00000002 |
Trigger select timer counter 1 output.
Referenced by ADCSetMode().
#define ADC_TRGSEL_TIOA2 0x00000004 |
Trigger select timer counter 2 output.
Referenced by ADCSetMode().
#define ADC_TRGSEL_EXT 0x0000000C |
Single trigger.
Referenced by ADCSetMode().
#define ADC_LOWRES 0x00000010 |
10bit / 8bit selection
#define ADC_SLEEP 0x00000020 |
Enter sleep mode.
Referenced by ADCSetMode().
#define ADC_PRESCAL 0x00003F00 |
Prescaler mask.
Referenced by ADCSetPrescale().
#define ADC_PRESCAL_LSB 8 |
Prescaler LSB.
Referenced by ADCSetPrescale().
#define ADC_STARTUP 0x001F0000 |
Startup time mask.
Referenced by ADCSetPrescale().
#define ADC_STARTUP_LSB 16 |
Startup time LSB.
#define ADC_SHTIM 0x0F000000 |
Sample hold time mask.
Referenced by ADCSetPrescale().
#define ADC_SHTIM_LSB 24 |
Sample hold time LSB.
#define ADC_CHER_OFF 0x00000010 |
Channel enable register offset.
Channel enable register address.
Referenced by ADCDisableChannel(), and ADCEnableChannel().
#define ADC_CH | ( | x | ) | ((unsigned long)BV(x)) |
macro to access channel by numer
#define ADC_CH0 0x00000001 |
ADC Channel 0.
Referenced by ADCInit().
#define ADC_CH1 0x00000002 |
ADC Channel 1.
Referenced by ADCInit().
#define ADC_CH2 0x00000004 |
ADC Channel 2.
Referenced by ADCInit().
#define ADC_CH3 0x00000008 |
ADC Channel 3.
Referenced by ADCInit().
#define ADC_CH4 0x00000010 |
ADC Channel 4.
Referenced by ADCInit().
#define ADC_CH5 0x00000020 |
ADC Channel 5.
Referenced by ADCInit().
#define ADC_CH6 0x00000040 |
ADC Channel 6.
Referenced by ADCInit().
#define ADC_CH7 0x00000080 |
ADC Channel 7.
Referenced by ADCInit().
#define ADC_CHDR_OFF 0x00000014 |
Channel disable register offset.
Channel disable register address.
Referenced by ADCDisableChannel(), and ADCInit().
#define ADC_CHSR_OFF 0x00000018 |
Channel status register offset.
Channel status register address.
Referenced by ADCEnableChannel().
#define ADC_SR_OFF 0x0000001C |
ADC status register offset.
#define ADC_SR (ADC_BASE + ADC_SR_OFF) |
ADC status register address.
#define ADC_EOC | ( | x | ) | ((unsigned long)BV(x)) |
Macro to access EOC flag by channel number.
#define ADC_EOC0 0x00000001 |
End of conversion channel 0.
#define ADC_EOC1 0x00000002 |
End of conversion channel 1.
#define ADC_EOC2 0x00000004 |
End of conversion channel 2.
#define ADC_EOC3 0x00000008 |
End of conversion channel 3.
#define ADC_EOC4 0x00000010 |
End of conversion channel 4.
#define ADC_EOC5 0x00000020 |
End of conversion channel 5.
#define ADC_EOC6 0x00000040 |
End of conversion channel 6.
#define ADC_EOC7 0x00000080 |
End of conversion channel 7.
#define ADC_OVRE | ( | x | ) | ((unsigned long)BV(x+8)) |
Macto to acces overrun error flag by channel number.
#define ADC_OVRE0 0x00000100 |
Overrun error flag channel 0.
#define ADC_OVRE1 0x00000200 |
Overrun error flag channel 1.
#define ADC_OVRE2 0x00000400 |
Overrun error flag channel 2.
#define ADC_OVRE3 0x00000800 |
Overrun error flag channel 3.
#define ADC_OVRE4 0x00001000 |
Overrun error flag channel 4.
#define ADC_OVRE5 0x00002000 |
Overrun error flag channel 5.
#define ADC_OVRE6 0x00004000 |
Overrun error flag channel 6.
#define ADC_OVRE7 0x00008000 |
Overrun error flag channel 7.
#define ADC_DRDY 0x00010000 |
Data ready flag.
#define ADC_GOVRE 0x00020000 |
General data overrun error flag.
#define ADC_ENDRX 0x00040000 |
End of rx buffer flag.
#define ADC_RXBUF 0x00080000 |
Rx buffer full flag.
#define ADC_LCDR_OFF 0x00000020 |
Last converted data register offset.
Last converted data register.
#define ADC_LCDR_MASK 0x000003FF |
Last converted data mask (10bit)
#define ADC_IER_OFF 0x00000024 |
Interrupt enable register offset.
Last converted data register.
Referenced by ADCEnableChannel().
#define ADC_IDR_OFF 0x00000028 |
Interrupt disable register offset.
Interrupt disable register.
Referenced by ADCDisableChannel(), and ADCEnableChannel().
#define ADC_IMR_OFF 0x0000002C |
Interrupt mask register offset.
Interrupt mask register.
#define ADC_CDR_OFF 0x00000030 |
Channel data register offset.
#define ADC_CDR | ( | x | ) | (ADC_BASE + ADC_CDR_OFF + ((x) << 2)) |
Channel data register.
#define ADC_CDR_MASK 0x000003FF |
Channel data mask (10bit)
Referenced by ADCInit().
Referenced by ADCInit().
#define AT91_ADC_BUF_SIZE 16 |
Referenced by ADCBufRead(), and ADCInit().
#define _adc_buf_head AT91_ADC_BUF_SIZE |
Referenced by ADCBufRead(), and ADCInit().
#define _adc_buf_tail AT91_ADC_BUF_SIZE+1 |
Referenced by ADCBufRead(), and ADCInit().
Reads data from the adc buffer.
channel | Specifies the channel to read data from |
read | Variable to store the data in |
References _adc_buf_head, _adc_buf_tail, ADC_Buffer, and AT91_ADC_BUF_SIZE.
void ADCSetMode | ( | TADCMode | mode | ) |
Sets the data aquisition mode for the adc.
mode | Mode to set |
void ADCEnableChannel | ( | TADCChannel | channel | ) |
void ADCDisableChannel | ( | TADCChannel | channel | ) |
void ADCSetPrescale | ( | uint32_t | prescale | ) |
Set the prescaler for the adc.
prescale | Prescaler value 0-128 |
void ADCInit | ( | void | ) |
Initialize the adc to the configured default values and enable interrupt.
References _adc_buf_head, _adc_buf_tail, _BV, ADC_Buffer, ADC_CH0, ADC_CH1, ADC_CH2, ADC_CH3, ADC_CH4, ADC_CH5, ADC_CH6, ADC_CH7, ADC_CHDR, ADC_CR, ADC_ID, ADC_MAX_CHANNEL, ADC_SWRST, ADCSetMode(), ADCSetPrescale(), AT91_ADC_BUF_SIZE, AT91_ADC_INITIAL_MODE, AT91_ADC_INITIAL_PRESCALE, NULL, NutHeapAlloc, NutIrqEnable(), NutRegisterIrqHandler(), outr, PMC_PCER, and sig_ADC.
uint16_t** ADC_Buffer = NULL |
Referenced by ADCBufRead(), and ADCInit().