Atmel Corporation
The manufacturer of the AVR microcontrollers.
AVR Freaks
Great resource for AVR developers.
About AVR and others, mainly in German.
Useful link collection, specially for Linux users.
AVR Source Code
Not related to Nut/OS, but useful.
AVR Documents at www.mikrocontroller.net
German site.
Peter Fleury's AVR Pages
Projects, tools and links.
Bootloader, MP3, FAT32 and more.
Martin Thomas' AVR Projects
Interesting AVR projects including GCC with Atmel's Butterfly.
Stephan Linz' AVR Projekte
German site.
Steve Lacy's AVR Wiki
Coding samples including 1-wire, stepper motors and Linux support.
AES block ciper on AVR
One of the implementations is optimized for speed and achieves an encryption rate of about 103 kByte per second on a 16 MHz MCU. The other one is much smaller in size and achieves about 93 kByte per second. The decryption performs in both cases about 30%-40% slower than encryption.
Ethernut Homepage
Home of the Ethernut project.
egnite Software GmbH
Offers Ethernut Starter Kits. Located in Germany.